Core Function UBound

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UBound( <array/binary-array>, <flag> )
UBound( <array/binary-array> )
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The binary variable to use.
The binary variable to use.
==== flag ====
For use with arrays.
0 = Normal just count the array size (Default)
1 = Count the array and the hash size
2 = Count just the hash size
=== Return Value ===
=== Return Value ===
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Remember that the value returned by UBound is one greater than the index of an array's last element!
Remember that the value returned by UBound is one greater than the index of an array's last element!
So if theres only 5 element in the array UBound will return 5 however there is no element at index 5 since elements begin at index 0 this means the first item in the array is index 0 even though you might think of it as being index 1.
In Sputnik an array does not necessary start at index 0 and move upwards infact an array can start at any number and jump all over place this all depends where the user has placed items into the array.
Warning - Arrays in Sputnik do not have a fixed size it will suddenly increase in size if you try access an element of the array for example; If you have an array with only 3 elements and you try access element 77 the array will instantly increase in size to 77 and anything that was added as a result of this will be empty strings making element 77 an empty string.
If the user uses push() then all items in array will be correct order.
=== Example ===
=== Example ===

Revision as of 12:42, 28 January 2013

UBound( <array/binary-array> )



Returns the size of array (How many elements it currently has stored).



The array to use.


The binary variable to use.

Return Value

Success - Returns the current size of the array/binary-array.

Failure - Returns an empty array.


Remember that the value returned by UBound is one greater than the index of an array's last element!

In Sputnik an array does not necessary start at index 0 and move upwards infact an array can start at any number and jump all over place this all depends where the user has placed items into the array.

If the user uses push() then all items in array will be correct order.


$arrayOLD = array ( 10..15, 24..30 );
$i = 0;
Foreach( $arrayOLD as  $j )
	println("Element ($i) is: " . $j);
println("Size is: " . UBound($arrayOLD) ); // Prints 13

Heres an example of getting the size of binary data :

$binary = Pack("z0", "Hello World!");
// Yes you can get the size of the binary byte array by using UBound just like with arrays
println("The binary size is: " . UBound($binary) );
Foreach ( $binary as $i )
	println( "Byte: " . $i . " | Hex: " . Hex($i) . " | Char: " . Chr($i) );
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