Version History

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(Sputnik 0.25 @ 16-12-2014 08:06 AM)
(Sputnik 0.26 @ 07-06-2015 10:08 AM)
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* Nothing yet
* Nothing yet
== Sputnik 0.27 @ 14-06-2015 01:15 PM ==
* Defaults work on all possible function param types now (instead of what they worked on before)
* You can now define a function called __Call inside a class and call it by using the class variable directly like $class(); of course params work like $class(10, 20);
* The Sputnik compiler (the thing that makes scripts into exes) has been improved internally (inside Sputnik itself) it now works better and is faster etc
* The preprocessor has been reworked and now supports #if #elsif #endif and you can execute the defines for the #if etc using #predef (since #define is already in use for something else entirely) also the preprocessor retains its local variables (set with #predef) throughout the entire program even during eval/include and other things (as a side note you can forcefully clear the #predef variables by doing #predefwipe
* Include() and Require() should now correct handle the #include-once and #require-once and behave properly
* BinHexEncode() added it can be used to encode data in BinHex 5.0 format which can be useful for creating files that will work on very old Macs
* BinHexDecode() added it can be used to decode data from BinHex 5.0 format which can be useful for handling files from very old Macs
* Fixed BinaryExpand() from returning binary on errors and will instead correctly return strings
* PackSingle() added it works similar to Pack() but only lets you specify a single thing to pack because it only does one thing at a time it is extremely fast (multiples of times faster than the normal pack()) since it doesnt need to process anything it just knows what to do instantly
* UnpackSingle() added it similar to PackSingle() it is a speeded up version of the Unpack() that is extremely fast when dealing with one thing to unpack you can also set a position to unpack from
* Added numerous checks to the NBT system to avoid any chances of exceptions or crashes
* Added magic number checks to the NBTCompound read/write/save/load etc etc so it will now make extra sure the data is valid before trying to process it
* Improved Sputniks internal reflection so @macros should no longer have a chance to fail to load
* IsVar() added it works the same as $var ~~ BlaBla and the same as $var Is BlaBla however you get to define what to check using a string
* Added a param to allow for compression on NBTCompundWriteFile() and NBTCompundReadFile() it is enabled by default
* All Stream___() function has been removed and will be replaced with something better soon
* Removed IsVarStream()
* Renamed SSSendBufferCreate() to SSBufferNew()
* Renamed SSSendBufferAppend() to SSBufferPut()
* Changed flag 'b' to 'B' on SSBufferPut() to read SByte (signed byte)
* Added new flag 'B' to SSBufferPut() to send Byte (unsigned byte)
* Added new flag 'V' to SSBufferPut() to put raw bytes (without a length count)
* Changed flag 'b' to 'B' on SSRead() to read SByte (signed byte)
* Added new flag 'B' to SSRead() to read Byte (unsigned byte)
* Added new flag 'V' to SSRead() to read all remaining bytes
* SSApprove() no longer needs the server param
* SSClientIP() no longer needs the server param
* SSClientStatus() no longer needs the server param
* SSDisapprove() no longer needs the server param
* SSDrop() no longer needs the server param
* Fixed a bug on SSSend() where if unset() was used too soon then no data would be sent
* ByteBufferNew() added it will create a new ByteBuffer which is the replacement for the old Stream functions it is more robust, has more features and is resistant to crashes/errors from bad information etc
* ByteBufferPut() added to put data into a ByteBuffer (adds to the end)
* ByteBufferGet() added to get data from a ByteBuffer (gets from current position)
* ByteBufferGetBinary() added to get all the binary data from a ByteBuffer (ignores the position) or get all bytes starting from offset to a given length (or all remaining bytes from that offset)
* ByteBufferPeek() added to peek at data from a ByteBuffer (same as get but without moving the position forward)
* ByteBufferCapacity) added get the current capacity of a ByteBuffer
* ByteBufferRewind() added to set the position of a ByteBuffer back to the start
* ByteBufferLimit() added to get the current capacity/length that can be written (based on its currently allocated size) of a ByteBuffer
* ByteBufferPosition() added to get and set the position of a ByteBuffer to any value
* ByteBufferRemaining() added to get how many bytes are possible to read from current position of a ByteBuffer
* ByteBufferHasRemaining() added to check if its possible to read at least one byte from the ByteBuffer
* ByteBufferClear() added to clear all data from a ByteBuffer (reset it back to new) also if the mark is defined then it is discarded
* ByteBufferFlip() added flip a ByteBuffer it flips this buffer then the limit is set to the current position and then the position is set to zero also if the mark is defined then it is discarded
* ByteBufferMark() added to mark the position in a ByteBuffer
* ByteBufferReset() added to reset the position to the previously marked position in a ByteBuffer
* ByteBufferCompare() added compare two ByteBuffers to see if they are equal
* ByteBufferClone() added clone a ByteBuffer
* Completed all the ByteBuffer functions thus the replacement for Stream___() is complete
* Updated the Sputnik Socket client/server examples for the changes to the Sputnik Socket functions
* Added ISputnikCloneable interface that allows defining what happens when Clone() function is used on the object
* Fixed a bug on the bit pack/unpack where types 'a' and 'Z' may not correctly get null padded
* Fixed $ptr[0]:f += 100; etc so it correctly makes sure it uses the type set in the :TYPE (it was often times using the += type instead of the :TYPE
* Removed all hardcoded .. stuff from Sputnik (all patterns gone etc)
* Removed the hardcoded 'to'  (it was a word for ..)
* Added new operator .. which works the same way the old hardcoded .. did for patterns/splice etc but it has an additional feautre in that it can now flip flop a true/false statement for example m/cat/ .. m/dog/ will be false until it finds cat then it will become true from that point forward until it finds dog then it will flop back to being false again (make note that the start and end conditions are considered TRUE if they are matched)
* Fixed stuff that does like say("cat $i") foreach($a as my $i); and say("cat $i") for(0..10); etc etc basically stuff that did a function CALL followed by a LOOP statement (without a ; after the call) would be called once and in a very weird way the ( ) of the call was being instead of the IDENTIFER( ) so it was causing weird things to happen but now thats fixed
* Deleted the @@magic ifs (it served no real purpose beyond avoinding typing 4 chars?
== Sputnik 0.26 @ 07-06-2015 10:08 AM ==
== Sputnik 0.26 @ 07-06-2015 10:08 AM ==
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* NBTListGet() Get a tag at the given index  
* NBTListGet() Get a tag at the given index  
* NBTListHasId() Check if an index is valid and contains a tag  
* NBTListHasId() Check if an index is valid and contains a tag  
* NBTListRemove() Remove the tag at the given index  
* NBTListRemove() Remove the tag at the given index
== Sputnik 0.25 @ 16-12-2014 08:06 AM ==
== Sputnik 0.25 @ 16-12-2014 08:06 AM ==

Revision as of 12:15, 14 June 2015


Upcoming changes in next version

Sputnik 0.27 @ 14-06-2015 01:15 PM

Sputnik 0.26 @ 07-06-2015 10:08 AM

Sputnik 0.25 @ 16-12-2014 08:06 AM

Sputnik 0.24 @ 29-11-2014 01:05 AM

Whats New

Known issues in current version:

Sputnik 0.23b3 @ 14-08-2014 10:09 PM

Whats New

Sputnik 0.23b2 @ 14-08-2014 02:18 PM

Whats New

Sputnik 0.23b1 @ 12-08-2014 02:23 AM

Whats New

Sputnik 0.23 @ 08-11-2014 05:54 AM

Whats New

Sputnik 0.22 @ 03-21-2014 05:54 AM

Whats New

Sputnik 0.21 @ 09-28-2013 05:26 PM

Whats New

Sputnik 0.20 @ 09-19-2013 10:58 PM

Whats New

Sputnik 0.19 @ 09-16-2013 10:25 PM

Whats New

Sputnik 0.18 @ 09-12-2013 01:42 AM

Whats New

$a = array(); $a[0] = "blah"; $a[1] = $a;

println("C:\\"); // Where as this would fail <-- No longer fails

Sputnik 0.17 @ 08-29-2013 05:49 PM

Whats New

Sputnik 0.16 @ 08-25-2013 07:56 AM

Whats New

Sputnik 0.15 @ 08-25-2013 01:15 AM

Whats New

Lower than 0.15

No information available.

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