Core Function UBound
UBound( <array/binary-array> )
Contents |
Returns the size of array (How many elements it currently has stored).
The array to use.
The binary variable to use.
Return Value
Success - Returns the current size of the array/binary-array.
Failure - Returns an empty array.
Remember that the value returned by UBound is one greater than the index of an array's last element!
So if theres only 5 element in the array UBound will return 5 however there is no element at index 5 since elements begin at index 0 this means the first item in the array is index 0 even though you might think of it as being index 1.
Warning - Arrays in Sputnik do not have a fixed size it will suddenly increase in size if you try access an element of the array for example; If you have an array with only 3 elements and you try access element 77 the array will instantly increase in size to 77 and anything that was added as a result of this will be empty strings making element 77 an empty string.
$arrayOLD = array ( 10..15, 24..30 ) $i = 0 For $j In $arrayOLD println("Element ($i) is: " . $i) $i++ Next println("Size is: " . UBound($arrayOLD) ) ; Prints 13
Heres an example of getting the size of binary data :
$binary = Pack("z0", "Hello World!") ; Yes you can get the size of the binary byte array by using UBound just like with arrays println("The binary size is: " . UBound($binary) ) For $i In $binary println( "Byte: " . $i . " | Hex: " . Hex($i) . " | Char: " . Chr($i) ) Next