Core Function Unpack
Unpack( <expression>, <binary-array/string>, <flag> )
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Unpack data from a binary array
The format string to use.
An binary array of bytes such as one produced by the Pack function.
A string to be converted into a binary array of bytes (z0 ASCII encoding).
Optional; Control what is returned options are:
0 = Return an array (If there is more than one item or just return THAT item by itself not in an array)
1 = Return a string (Regardless of how many items are to be returned it will just append them)
Return Value
Success: Returns the array of data (Only if its over 1 item, For single items it will return the item such as string, int etc) unless the flag is set to 1 then it will return a string.
Failure: Returns null.
Go see Pack( <expression>, <expressions> ) for a list of formats and examples.
Go see Pack( <expression>, <expressions> ) for a list of formats and examples.