Regular class :
Class <name> { statements ... functions ... operator overloads ... casting overloads ... };
Extender class that adds functions and features to an existing class :
Class extends <name> { statements ... functions ... operator overloads ... casting overloads ... };
Inheritance class that inherits functions and features from an existing class :
Class <name> extends <parentname> { statements ... functions ... operator overloads ... casting overloads ... };
Inheritance class that inherits functions and features from multiple existing classes :
Class <name> extends <parentname>, <parentname>, <parentname>... { statements ... functions ... operator overloads ... casting overloads ... };
Static Variables
Static Functions
Operator Overloads
Cast Overloads
Creating Classes
Using Classes
Inheriting Classes
Extending Classes
Multiple Inheritance Classes
Cast Overloading
Sputnik allows you to overload all the castings such as (int)value etc this is useful if you have a class that uses multiple variables and you would like them all added together each time you use (float)$myclass.
Warning - Cast overloading does not apply to the function cast such as int( value ) since that is a function designed to accept an expression and return it converted it is not a cast.
Operator Overloading
Sputnik allows you to overload a vast array of operators on your classes this is very helpful for all kinds of things example imagine you have a class that contains 3 varibles X Y and Z and you want to add another classes variables X Y Z onto yours creating a += operator you could quite simply do just that example:
Without overloads:
$vec1->$x += $vec2->$x; $vec1->$y += $vec2->$y; $vec1->$z += $vec2->$z;
As you can see we needed 3 lines of code to do that and doing this over and over in many places of the code will cause a lot of repeat code also what if later we decide we need to add a third variable after z? We would need to go back and change everything...
However if we overload the += operator we can do this:
$vec1 += $vec2;
See how much easier that was? And if we add a new variable or even several later we can just fix our single += overload function and it will automatically fix every single peice of += in your code that uses it.
See the examples below for what you can overload and exactly how to do just that.
Overloading =
This cannot be overloaded!
Overloading +=
Overloading -=
Overloading *=
Overloading **=
Overloading /=
Overloading %=
Overloading .=
Overloading ..=
Overloading ^=
Overloading &=
Overloading |=
Overloading >>=
Overloading <<=
Overloading |
Overloading ^
Overloading &
Overloading +
Overloading -
Overloading *
Overloading **
Overloading /
Overloading %
Overloading .
Overloading <<
Overloading >>
Overloading ++
Class Vec3 { my $x = 0; my $y = 0; my $z = 0; Function Vec3($x1 = 0, $y1 = 0, $z1 = 0) { $this->$x = $x1; $this->$y = $y1; $this->$z = $z1; } Operator "++" { $this->$x++; $this->$y++; $this->$z++; } }; $cat1 = new Vec3(10, 20, 30); println("BEFORE ++"); println("Class variable X: " . $cat1->$x); println("Class variable Y: " . $cat1->$y); println("Class variable Z: " . $cat1->$z); $cat1++; println("AFTER ++"); println("Class variable X: " . $cat1->$x); println("Class variable Y: " . $cat1->$y); println("Class variable Z: " . $cat1->$z); // Prints // BEFORE ++ // Class variable X: 10 // Class variable Y: 20 // Class variable Z: 30 // AFTER ++ // Class variable X: 11 // Class variable Y: 21 // Class variable Z: 31
Overloading --
Class Vec3 { my $x = 0; my $y = 0; my $z = 0; Function Vec3($x1 = 0, $y1 = 0, $z1 = 0) { $this->$x = $x1; $this->$y = $y1; $this->$z = $z1; } Operator "--" { $this->$x--; $this->$y--; $this->$z--; } }; $cat1 = new Vec3(10, 20, 30); println("BEFORE --"); println("Class variable X: " . $cat1->$x); println("Class variable Y: " . $cat1->$y); println("Class variable Z: " . $cat1->$z); $cat1++; println("AFTER --"); println("Class variable X: " . $cat1->$x); println("Class variable Y: " . $cat1->$y); println("Class variable Z: " . $cat1->$z); // Prints // BEFORE -- // Class variable X: 10 // Class variable Y: 20 // Class variable Z: 30 // AFTER -- // Class variable X: 9 // Class variable Y: 19 // Class variable Z: 29
Overloading ==
Overloading !=
Overloading <
Overloading <=
Overloading >
Overloading >=
Overloading <>
Overloading eq
Overloading eqi
Overloading neq
Overloading neqi
Overloading ||
Overloading &&
A large example
This is a Vector3 class created in Sputnik for use it demonstrates internal and static functions as well as vast operator overloading.
// Vector3 Class ported to Sputnik by UberFoX // // Function Key: // ! = Returns no return value // * = Returns a new Vector3 // % = Returns a numeric value // " = Returns a string // @ = Returns an array // : = Returns numeric where higher than 0 is true // // Function Argument Key: // * = Requires Vector3 // % = Requires numeric value // // Static Functions // To be called from anywhere like: vec3::FunctionName() // * CrossProduct(*, *) // Determine the cross product of two Vectors // % DotProduct(*, *) // Determine the dot product of two Vectors // % MixedProduct(*, *, *) // Determine the mixed product of three Vectors // * Normalize(*) // Get the normalized vector of a vector // % Multiply(*, *) // Returns the dot product: vector1.X * vector2.X + vector1.Y*vector2.Y // % Determinant(*, *) // Returns the determinant det(vector1, vector2) // * SumComponentSqrs(*) // The sum of a Vector3's squared components // * SqrComponents(*) // A Vector3's components squared // % SumComponents(*) // The sum of a Vector3's components // % Distance(*, *) // Find the distance between two Vectors // % Angle(*, *) // Find the angle between two Vectors // % AngleBetween(*, *) // The angle in degrees between 2 vectors // * Max(*, *) // Compares the magnitude of two Vectors and returns the greater Vector3 // * Min(*, *) // Compares the magnitude of two Vectors and returns the lesser Vector3 // ! Yaw(*, %) // Rotates a Vector3 around the Y axis // ! Pitch(*, %) // Rotates a Vector3 around the X axis // ! Roll(*, %) // Rotates a Vector3 around the Z axis // % Abs(*) // Find the absolute value of a Vector3 // * PowComponents(*, %) // The individual multiplication to a power of a Vector3's components // : IsBackFace(*, *) // Checks if a face normal vector represents back face // : IsUnitVector(*) // Checks if a vector is a unit vector // : IsPerpendicular(*, *) // Checks if two Vectors are perpendicular // * MinValue() // Retuns the smallest vector possible (based on the double precision floating point structure) for you to use // * MaxValue() // Retuns the largest vector possible (based on the double precision floating point structure) for you to use // * Zero() // Retuns an empty Vector3 (0, 0, 0) object for you to use // // Internal Functions // To be called from a new vector3 object like: $Vec1->FunctionName() // @ GetArray() // Return a 3 element array of this Vector3 // % Magnitude() // Magnitude (aka. length or absolute value) of the Vector3 // % Length() // Magnitude (aka. length or absolute value) of the Vector3 // % LengthSquared() // The squared length of this Vector // * CrossProduct(*) // Determine the cross product of this Vector3 and another // % DotProduct(*) // Determine the dot product of this Vector3 and another // % MixedProduct() // Determine the mixed product of this and 2 other Vectors // ! Normalize() // Get the normalized vector // * SumComponentSqrs() // The sum of this Vector3's squared components // * SqrComponents() // The individual square root of this Vector3's components // % SumComponents() // The sum of this Vector3's components // % Distance(*) // Find the distance between this vector and another // " toString() // Return a string of all the vectors variables to print or so // % Angle(*) // Find the angle between this Vector3 and another // % AngleBetween(*) // The angle in degrees between this and another vector // * Max(*) // Compares the magnitude of this and another and returns the greater Vector3 // * Min(*) // Compares the magnitude of this and another and returns the lesser Vector3 // ! Yaw(%) // Rotates this Vector3 around the Y axis // ! Pitch(%) // Rotates this Vector3 around the X axis // ! Roll(%) // Rotates this Vector3 around the Z axis // % Abs() // Find the absolute value of this Vector3 // * PowComponents(%) // The individual multiplication to a power of this Vector3's components // : IsBackFace(*) // Checks if a face normal vector represents back face // : IsUnitVector() // Checks if this vector is a unit vector // : IsPerpendicular(*) // Checks this and another Vector are perpendicular // // Overloaded Operators // To be called like: $vec1 += $vec2 // Supported (If the operator aint on this list then its not supported so dont use it) // + // - // * // / // ** // % // += // -= // *= // /= // **= // %= // == // != // < // > // <= // >= // <> Class Vec3 { my $x = 0; my $y = 0; my $z = 0; // The constructor can either clone a Vector3 or create a new one example // $v2 = new Vec3( $v1 ) // Will clone a vector $v1 but only if theres only 1 param // If theres more than 1 param it will simply create a new vector using whatever variables it can find or use defaults Function Vec3($x1 = 0, $y1 = 0, $z1 = 0) { If( UBound(@args) == 1 && isVarClass($x1, "vec3" ) ) { $this->$x = $x1->$x; $this->$y = $x1->$y; $this->$z = $x1->$z; } else { $this->$x = (double)$x1; $this->$y = (double)$y1; $this->$z = (double)$z1; } } // Return a string of all the vectors variables to print or so Function toString() { return "($x, $y, $z)"; } // Return a 3 element array of this Vector3 Function GetArray() { return array($x, $y, $z); } // Magnitude (aka. length or absolute value) of the Vector3 Function Magnitude() { return Sqrt ( SumComponentSqrs() ); } // The length of this Vector Function Length() { return Sqrt($x * $x + $y * $y); } // The squared length of this Vector Function LengthSquared() { return ($x * $x + $y * $y); } // Find the distance between two Vectors // Pythagoras theorem on two Vectors Static Function Distance(Vec3 $v1, Vec3 $v2) { return Sqrt ( ($v1->$x - $v2->$x) * ($v1->$x - $v2->$x) + ($v1->$y - $v2->$y) * ($v1->$y - $v2->$y) + ($v1->$z - $v2->$z) * ($v1->$z - $v2->$z) ); } // Find the distance between this vector and another Function Distance(Vec3 $other) { return self::Distance($this, $other); } // Determine the cross product of two Vectors // Determine the vector product // Determine the normal vector (Vector3 90° to the plane) Static Function CrossProduct(Vec3 $v1, Vec3 $v2) { return new Vec3( $v1->$y * $v2->$z - $v1->$z * $v2->$y, $v1->$z * $v2->$x - $v1->$x * $v2->$z, $v1->$x * $v2->$y - $v1->$y * $v2->$x); } // Determine the cross product of this Vector3 and another Function CrossProduct(Vec3 $other) { return self::CrossProduct($this, $other); } // Determine the dot product of two Vectors Static Function DotProduct(Vec3 $v1, Vec3 $v2) { return ( $v1->$x * $v2->$x + $v1->$y * $v2->$y + $v1->$z * $v2->$z ); } // Determine the dot product of this Vector3 and another Function DotProduct(Vec3 $other) { return self::DotProduct($this, $other); } // Determine the mixed product of three Vectors Static Function MixedProduct(Vec3 $v1, Vec3 $v2, Vec3 $v3) { return DotProduct(CrossProduct($v1, $v2), $v3); } // Determine the mixed product of this and 2 other Vectors Function MixedProduct(Vec3 $other_v1, Vec3 $other_v2) { return self::DotProduct(self::CrossProduct($this, $other_v1), $other_v2); } // The individual multiplication to a power of a Vector3's components Static Function PowComponents(Vec3 $v1, $power) { return ( new Vec3 ( Pow($v1->$X, $power), Pow($v1->$Y, $power), Pow($v1->$Z, $power) ) ); } // The individual multiplication to a power of this Vector3's components Function PowComponents($power) { my $v1 = self::PowComponents($this, $power); $x = $v1->$x; $y = $v1->$y; $z = $v1->$z; unset($v1); } // Get the normalized vector of a vector // Get the unit vector // Scale a Vector3 so that the magnitude is 1 Static Function Normalize(Vec3 $v1) { // Check for divide by zero errors if ( $v1->Magnitude() == 0 ) { throw("DivideByZeroException @ _Normalize"); } else { // find the inverse of the vectors magnitude $inverse = 1 / $v1->Magnitude(); return new Vec3($v1->$x * $inverse, $v1->$y * $inverse, $v1->$z * $inverse); } } // Get the normalized vector Function Normalize() { my $v1 = self::Normalize($this); $x = $v1->$x; $y = $v1->$y; $z = $v1->$z; unset($v1); } // Multiply - Returns the dot product: vector1.X*vector2.X + vector1.Y*vector2.Y Static Function Multiply(Vec3 $vector1, Vec3 $vector2) { return $vector1->$x * $vector2->$x + $vector1->$y * $vector2->$y; } // Determinant - Returns the determinant det(vector1, vector2) Static Function Determinant(Vec3 $vector1, Vec3 $vector2) { return $vector1->$x * $vector2->$y - $vector1->$y * $vector2->$x; } // The sum of a Vector3's squared components Static Function SumComponentSqrs(Vec3 $v1) { return self::SqrComponents($v1)->SumComponents(); } // The sum of this Vector3's squared components Function SumComponentSqrs() { return self::SumComponentSqrs($this); } // A Vector3's components squared Static Function SqrComponents(Vec3 $v1) { return new Vec3($v1->$x * $v1->$x, $v1->$y * $v1->$y, $v1->$z * $v1->$z); } // The individual square root of this Vector3's components Function SqrComponents() { my $v1 = self::SqrComponents($this); $x = $v1->$x; $y = $v1->$y; $z = $v1->$z; unset($v1); } // The sum of a Vector3's components Static Function SumComponents(Vec3 $v1) { return ($v1->$x + $v1->$y + $v1->$z); } // The sum of this Vector3's components Function SumComponents() { return self::SumComponents($this); } // The angle in degrees between 2 vectors Static Function AngleBetween(Vec3 $vector1, Vec3 $vector2) { my $sin = $vector1->$x * $vector2->$y - $vector2->$x * $vector1->$y; my $cos = $vector1->$x * $vector2->$x + $vector1->$y * $vector2->$y; return Atan($sin, $cos) * (180 / @PI); } // The angle in degrees between this and another vector Function AngleBetween(Vec3 $vector1) { my $sin = $x * $vector1->$y - $vector1->$x * $y; my $cos = $x * $vector1->$x + $y * $vector1->$y; return Atan($sin, $cos) * (180 / @PI); } // Find the angle between two Vectors Static Function Angle(Vec3 $v1, Vec3 $v2) { return Acos(self::Normalize($v1)->DotProduct(self::Normalize($v2))); } // Find the angle between this Vector3 and another Function Angle(Vec3 $other) { return self::Angle($this, $other); } // Rotates a Vector3 around the Y axis Static Function Yaw(Vec3 $v1, $degree) { return new Vec3 ( ($v1->$z * Sin($degree)) + ($v1->$x * Cos($degree)), $v1->$y, ($v1->$z * Cos($degree)) - ($v1->$x * Sin($degree)) ); } // Rotates this Vector3 around the Y axis Function Yaw($degree) { my $v1 = self::Yaw($this, $degree); $x = $v1->$x; $y = $v1->$y; $z = $v1->$z; unset($v1); } // Rotates a Vector3 around the X axis Static Function Pitch(Vec3 $v1, $degree) { return new Vec3 ( $v1->$x, ($v1->$y * Cos($degree)) - ($v1->$z * Sin($degree)), ($v1->$y * Sin($degree)) + ($v1->$z * Cos($degree)) ); } // Rotates this Vector3 around the X axis Function Pitch($degree) { my $v1 = self::Pitch($this, $degree); $x = $v1->$x; $y = $v1->$y; $z = $v1->$z; unset($v1); } // Rotates a Vector3 around the Z axis Static Function Roll(Vec3 $v1, $degree) { return new Vec3 ( ($v1->$x * Cos($degree)) - ($v1->$y * Sin($degree)), ($v1->$x * Sin($degree)) + ($v1->$y * Cos($degree)), $v1->$z ); } // Rotates this Vector3 around the Z axis Function Roll($degree) { my $v1 = self::Roll($this, $degree); $x = $v1->$x; $y = $v1->$y; $z = $v1->$z; unset($v1); } // Compares the magnitude of two Vectors and returns the greater Vector3 Static Function Max(Vec3 $v1, Vec3 $v2) { if ($v1 >= $v2){return $v1;} return $v2; } // Compares the magnitude of this and another and returns the greater Vector3 Function Max(Vec3 $other) { return self::Max($this, $other); } // Compares the magnitude of two Vectors and returns the lesser Vector3 Static Function Min(Vec3 $v1, Vec3 $v2) { if ($v1 <= $v2){return $v1;} return $v2; } // Compares the magnitude of this and another and returns the lesser Vector3 Function Min(Vec3 $other) { return self::Min($this, $other); } // Find the absolute value of a Vector3 Static Function Abs(Vec3 $v1) { return $v1->Magnitude(); } // Find the absolute value of this Vector3 Function Abs() { return $this->Magnitude(); } /// Checks if a vector is a unit vector Static Function IsUnitVector(Vec3 $v1) { return Abs($v1->Magnitude() -1) <= @Double_Epsilon; } /// Checks if this vector is a unit vector Function IsUnitVector() { return Abs($this->Magnitude() -1) <= @Double_Epsilon; } /// Checks if two Vectors are perpendicular /// Checks if two Vectors are orthogonal /// Checks if one Vector3 is the Normal of the other Static Function IsPerpendicular(Vec3 $v1, Vec3 $v2) { return $v1->DotProduct($v2) == 0; } /// Checks this Vector and another are perpendicular /// Checks this Vector and another are orthogonal /// Checks this Vector is the Normal of the other Function IsPerpendicular(Vec3 $other) { return self::IsPerpendicular($this, $other); } /// Checks if a face normal vector represents back face /// Checks if a face is visible, given the line of sight Static Function IsBackFace(Vec3 $normal, Vec3 $lineOfSight) { return $normal->DotProduct($lineOfSight) < 0; } /// Checks if a face normal vector represents back face /// Checks if a face is visible, given the line of sight Function IsBackFace(Vec3 $lineOfSight) { return self::IsBackFace($this, $lineOfSight); } // Creates a look vector (Heading) of a given Yaw and Pitch Static Function GetLookVector($Yaw, $Pitch) { return new Vec3(-Sin($Yaw) * Cos($Pitch), Sin($Pitch), -Cos($Yaw) * Cos($Pitch)); } /// Retuns the smallest vector possible (based on the double precision floating point structure) for you to use Static Function MinValue() { return new Vec3(@Double_Min, @Double_Min, @Double_Min); } /// Retuns the largest vector possible (based on the double precision floating point structure) for you to use Static Function MaxValue() { return new Vec3(@Double_Max, @Double_Max, @Double_Max); } /// Retuns an empty Vector3 object for you to use Static Function Zero() { return new Vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); } Operator "+" ($vec) { If ( isVarClass($vec, "vec3") ) { $this->$x += $vec->$x; $this->$y += $vec->$y; $this->$z += $vec->$z; } else { $this->$x += $vec; $this->$y += $vec; $this->$z += $vec; } } Operator "+=" ($vec) { If ( isVarClass($vec, "vec3") ) { $this->$x += $vec->$x; $this->$y += $vec->$y; $this->$z += $vec->$z; } else { $this->$x += $vec; $this->$y += $vec; $this->$z += $vec; } } Operator "*" ($vec) { If ( isVarClass($vec, "vec3") ) { $this->$x *= $vec->$x; $this->$y *= $vec->$y; $this->$z *= $vec->$z; } else { $this->$x *= $vec; $this->$y *= $vec; $this->$z *= $vec; } } Operator "*=" ($vec) { If ( isVarClass($vec, "vec3") ) { $this->$x *= $vec->$x; $this->$y *= $vec->$y; $this->$z *= $vec->$z; } else { $this->$x *= $vec; $this->$y *= $vec; $this->$z *= $vec; } } Operator "/" (Vec3 $vec) { If ( isVarClass($vec, "vec3") ) { $this->$x /= $vec->$x; $this->$y /= $vec->$y; $this->$z /= $vec->$z; } else { $this->$x /= $vec; $this->$y /= $vec; $this->$z /= $vec; } } Operator "/=" (Vec3 $vec) { If ( isVarClass($vec, "vec3") ) { $this->$x /= $vec->$x; $this->$y /= $vec->$y; $this->$z /= $vec->$z; } else { $this->$x /= $vec; $this->$y /= $vec; $this->$z /= $vec; } } Operator "-" (Vec3 $vec) { If ( isVarClass($vec, "vec3") ) { $this->$x -= $vec->$x; $this->$y -= $vec->$y; $this->$z -= $vec->$z; } else { $this->$x -= $vec; $this->$y -= $vec; $this->$z -= $vec; } } Operator "-=" (Vec3 $vec) { If ( isVarClass($vec, "vec3") ) { $this->$x -= $vec->$x; $this->$y -= $vec->$y; $this->$z -= $vec->$z; } else { $this->$x -= $vec; $this->$y -= $vec; $this->$z -= $vec; } } Operator "**" (Vec3 $vec) { If ( isVarClass($vec, "vec3") ) { $this->$x **= $vec->$x; $this->$y **= $vec->$y; $this->$z **= $vec->$z; } else { $this->$x **= $vec; $this->$y **= $vec; $this->$z **= $vec; } } Operator "**=" (Vec3 $vec) { If ( isVarClass($vec, "vec3") ) { $this->$x **= $vec->$x; $this->$y **= $vec->$y; $this->$z **= $vec->$z; } else { $this->$x **= $vec; $this->$y **= $vec; $this->$z **= $vec; } } Operator "%" (Vec3 $vec) { If ( isVarClass($vec, "vec3") ) { $this->$x %= $vec->$x; $this->$y %= $vec->$y; $this->$z %= $vec->$z; } else { $this->$x %= $vec; $this->$y %= $vec; $this->$z %= $vec; } } Operator "%=" (Vec3 $vec) { If ( isVarClass($vec, "vec3") ) { $this->$x %= $vec->$x; $this->$y %= $vec->$y; $this->$z %= $vec->$z; } else { $this->$x %= $vec; $this->$y %= $vec; $this->$z %= $vec; } } // Compare two Vectors for equality. Operator "==" (Vec3 $vec) { return ( Abs($this->$x - $vec->$x) <= @Double_Epsilon && Abs($this->$y - $vec->$y) <= @Double_Epsilon && Abs($this->$z - $vec->$z) <= @Double_Epsilon ); } // Compare two Vectors for not equality. Operator "!=" (Vec3 $vec) { return !($this == $vec); } // Compare the magnitude of two Vectors (less than) Operator "<" (Vec3 $vec) { return $this->SumComponentSqrs() < $vec->SumComponentSqrs(); } // Compare the magnitude of two Vectors (greater than) Operator ">" (Vec3 $vec) { return $this->SumComponentSqrs() > $vec->SumComponentSqrs(); } // Compare the magnitude of two Vectors (less than or equal to) Operator "<=" (Vec3 $vec) { return $this->SumComponentSqrs() <= $vec->SumComponentSqrs(); } // Compare the magnitude of two Vectors (greater than or equal to) Operator ">=" (Vec3 $vec) { return $this->SumComponentSqrs() >= $vec->SumComponentSqrs(); } // Compare the magnitude of two Vectors (greater than or lower than) Operator "<>" (Vec3 $vec) { return $this < $vec || $this > $vec; } };