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Unless...Else Unless...Else
Conditionally run statements.
Unless(<expression>) { statements ... } Else If(expression-n) { else if statements ... } Else Unless(expression-n) { else if statements ... } Else { else statements ... }
If the expression is false, the first statement block is executed. If not, the first true Else If block is executed or the first false Else Unless block is executed. Otherwise, the "Else" block is executed.
All the Else If, Else Unless and Else blocks are optional.
Unless statements may be nested.
Its worth noting you can use Else Ifs and Else Unless together with no problem.
The expression can contain the boolean operators of &&, ||, ! as well as the logical operators <, <=, >, >=, ==, !=, <>, eq, eqi, neq and neqi as needed grouped with parentheses as needed.
Unless($a == 100) { println( "Value is NOT 100" ); } Else If($a == 200) { println( "Value is 200" ); } Else Unless($a == 44) { println( "Value is NOT 44" ); } Else { println( "No Match" ); }
Example of using the logical !? : operator:
println( $a == 100 !? "Value is NOT 100" : "The value is 100" );
The !? : operator is much faster than a full UNLESS statement so if you want more speed in your programs this is a rather good choice for simple Unless.
Can be used to set variables:
$var = $a == 100 !? "Value is NOT 100" : "The value is 100";
An IF can also be used by itself example
$a = 10; unless($a == 10) println("It is NOT 10"); // Or even $a = 10; unless($a == 10) println("It is NOT 10"); else println("It is 10"); // Or Even $a = 10; unless($a == 10) println("It is NOT 10"); else unless($a == 11) println("It is NOT 11"); else println("Else");
This can also be done in reverse just for the IF itself example
println("It is NOT 10") unless($a == 10);