Core Function Throw

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Throw <expression>;



Throw an exception causing the program to end (Unless the exception is captured in a TRY statement see example).


An object to send when the exception was thrown.

Return Value



You can add a Redo; anywhere on a Try,Catch,Finally statements blocks that will instantly start over from the top and begin the try all over again.

Unlike a normal function throw uses use parentheses example:

// This is CORRECT
throw new Exception("My error");
// This is WRONG
// It will work and its cute but its WRONG
throw(new Exception("My error"));

The object should be an Exception class or something that inherits from the Exception class.


Example of using an exception

	println("This code always executes");
	// None of the exceptions params are required
	// but it helps to at least have a message (First param)
	// The second param is the error code can be anything you want
	// The third param is the PARENT inside a class you would use
	// the $this variable as the parent for obvious reasons
	throw new Exception("My Message", 777, $parent);
	println("This code below the exception will not be executed if there was an exception");
Catch ( Exception $e )
	println("This code only gets executed if an exception happened");
	println("Message: " . $e->getMessage()); // Gets the default or new message
	println("Code: " . $e->getCode()); // Gets the error code if one exists
	println("Parent: " . $e->getParent()); // Gets the parent if one exists
	println("This code gets executed regardless if there was an exception or not");

Example of using an exception with Redo

my $attempt = 0;
	println("Lets throw...");
	throw new Exception("My Message", 777, null);
Catch ( Exception $e )
	println("Exception!!!!! $attempt");
	// Begin the whole Try again if
	// we havent made enough attempts at it
	if($attempt < 3)
	println("Finally complete");
// Prints
// Lets throw...
// Exception!!!!! 0
// Lets throw...
// Exception!!!!! 1
// Lets throw...
// Exception!!!!! 2
// Finally complete

Example of creating your own Exception class

Class myException extends Exception
	my $myParam;
	Function __Construct($Message, $Code, $myParam, $Parent)
		$this->$myParam = $myParam;
		parent::__construct($Message, $Code, $Parent); // Call the parent (Exception) class
	Function myParam()
		return $this->$myParam;
	println("This code always executes");
	// None of the exceptions params are required
	// but it helps to at least have a message (First param)
	// The second param is the error code can be anything you want
	// The third param is the PARENT inside a class you would use
	// the $this variable as the parent for obvious reasons
	throw new myException("My Message", 777, "my special param", $parent);
	println("This code below the exception will not be executed if there was an exception");
Catch ( myException $e )
	println("This code only gets executed if an exception happened");
	println("Message: " . $e->getMessage()); // Gets the default or new message
	println("Code: " . $e->getCode()); // Gets the error code if one exists
	println("MyParam: " . $e->myParam()); // Gets our new param that was extended to exception
	println("Parent: " . $e->getParent()); // Gets the parent if one exists
	println("This code gets executed regardless if there was an exception or not");

Example of using multiple Catch statements each one triggering ONLY if a specific exception type is given

Class myException extends Exception{};
Class myException2 extends Exception{};
my $i = 0;
	if($i == 0)
		say "Testing exception class name 'Exception'";
		throw new Exception("My Message", 1);
	if($i == 1)
		say "Testing exception class name 'myException'";
		throw new myException("My Message", 1);
	if($i == 2)
		say "Testing exception class name 'myException2'";
		throw new myException2("My Message", 1);
Catch ( Exception $e )
	println("EXCEPTION BRACE");
	println("Message: " . $e->getMessage()); // Gets the default or new message
	println("Code: " . $e->getCode()); // Gets the error code if one exists
Catch ( myException $e )
	println("myException BRACE");
	println("Message: " . $e->getMessage()); // Gets the default or new message
	println("Code: " . $e->getCode()); // Gets the error code if one exists
Catch ( myException2 $e )
	println("myException2 BRACE");
	println("Message: " . $e->getMessage()); // Gets the default or new message
	println("Code: " . $e->getCode()); // Gets the error code if one exists
	println("This code gets executed regardless if there was an exception or not");
if($i == 3)
say "";
goto begin;
println("All done.");
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