Function Reference

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* [[Core Function Hex2Str|Hex2Str( <expression>, <flag> )]] -- Convert a hex string back to a normal string
* [[Core Function Hex2Str|Hex2Str( <expression>, <flag> )]] -- Convert a hex string back to a normal string
* [[Core Function Hex|Hex( <expression>, <length> )]] -- Returns a string representation of an integer type converted to hexadecimal
* [[Core Function Hex|Hex( <expression>, <length> )]] -- Returns a string representation of an integer type converted to hexadecimal
* [[Core Function HTMLTranslationTable|HTMLTranslationTable( <table>, <flags>, <encoding> )]] -- Returns the translation table used by HTMLSpecialChars() and HTMLEntities()
* [[Core Function HTMLEntities|HTMLEntities( <string>, <flags>, <encoding>, <double_encode> )]] -- Convert all applicable characters to HTML entities
* [[Core Function HTMLEntities|HTMLEntities( <string>, <flags>, <encoding>, <double_encode> )]] -- Convert all applicable characters to HTML entities
* [[Core Function HTMLEntityDecode|HTMLEntityDecode( <string>, <flags>, <encoding>, <double_encode> )]] -- Convert all HTML entities to their applicable characters
* [[Core Function HTMLEntityDecode|HTMLEntityDecode( <string>, <flags>, <encoding>, <double_encode> )]] -- Convert all HTML entities to their applicable characters

Revision as of 08:36, 4 October 2013


Function Reference

How to create a Function

To create your own funtions see the Function page.

Core Functions

If a link is red (unclickable) the function either doesnt exist yet and is pending creation or it has been created but does not yet have a page/example.

Language Features

Console Functions

Multi-Threading Functions

Variable Type Conversions

Common Variable Functions

Type Checking

Get Type Directly

Binary Data Management Functions

Binary Memory Stream Management Functions

Math Functions

String Functions

Personal tools