Function Reference

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(Math Functions)
(Math Functions)
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* [[Core Function Cosh|Cosh( <expression> )]] -- Returns the hyperbolic cosine of the specified angle
* [[Core Function Cosh|Cosh( <expression> )]] -- Returns the hyperbolic cosine of the specified angle
* [[Core Function DegreesToRadians|DegreesToRadians( <value> )]] -- Converts degrees to radians
* [[Core Function DegreesToRadians|DegreesToRadians( <value> )]] -- Converts degrees to radians
* [[Core Function DegreesToRevolutions|DegreesToRevolutions( <value> )]] -- Converts degrees to revolutions
* [[Core Function Distance|Distance( <value1>, <value2> )]] -- Calculates the absolute value of the difference of two values
* [[Core Function Distance|Distance( <value1>, <value2> )]] -- Calculates the absolute value of the difference of two values
* [[Core Function Distance2D|Distance2D( <x1>, <y1>, <x2>, <y2> )]] -- Finds the distance between two points on a 2D surface
* [[Core Function Distance2D|Distance2D( <x1>, <y1>, <x2>, <y2> )]] -- Finds the distance between two points on a 2D surface
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* [[Core Function frexp|frexp( <x> )]] -- Returns m and e such that x = m2e, e is an integer and the absolute value of m is in the range [0.5, 1) (or zero when x is zero)
* [[Core Function frexp|frexp( <x> )]] -- Returns m and e such that x = m2e, e is an integer and the absolute value of m is in the range [0.5, 1) (or zero when x is zero)
* [[Core Function Gauss|Gauss( <amplitude>, <x>, <y>, <radX>, <radY>, <sigmaX>, <sigmaY> )]] -- Get the result of the Gaussian function
* [[Core Function Gauss|Gauss( <amplitude>, <x>, <y>, <radX>, <radY>, <sigmaX>, <sigmaY> )]] -- Get the result of the Gaussian function
* [[Core Function GradiansToRevolutions|GradiansToRevolutions( <value> )]] -- Converts gradians to revolutions
* [[Core Function GradiansToDegrees|GradiansToDegrees( <value> )]] -- Converts gradians to degrees
* [[Core Function GradiansToRadians|GradiansToRadians( <value> )]] -- Converts gradians to radians
* [[Core Function Hermite|Hermite( <value1>, <tangent1>, <value2>, <tangent2>, <amount> )]] -- Performs a Hermite spline interpolation
* [[Core Function Hermite|Hermite( <value1>, <tangent1>, <value2>, <tangent2>, <amount> )]] -- Performs a Hermite spline interpolation
* [[Core Function IsDivisible|IsDivisible( <expression>, <divisor>, <flag> )]] -- Check if an expression is divisible by a given divisor optionally comparing as double/int64
* [[Core Function IsDivisible|IsDivisible( <expression>, <divisor>, <flag> )]] -- Check if an expression is divisible by a given divisor optionally comparing as double/int64
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* [[Core Function Pow|Pow( <expression>, <expression2> )]] -- Returns a specified number raised to the specified power
* [[Core Function Pow|Pow( <expression>, <expression2> )]] -- Returns a specified number raised to the specified power
* [[Core Function RadiansToDegrees|RadiansToDegrees( <value> )]] -- Converts radians to degrees
* [[Core Function RadiansToDegrees|RadiansToDegrees( <value> )]] -- Converts radians to degrees
* [[Core Function Random|Random( <minValue>, <maxValue>, <flag> )]] -- Get a random number from the defined area.
* [[Core Function RadiansToRevolutions|RadiansToRevolutions( <value> )]] -- Converts radians to revolutions
* [[Core Function RadiansToGradians|RadiansToGradians( <value> )]] -- Converts radians to gradians
* [[Core Function Random|Random( <minValue>, <maxValue>, <flag> )]] -- Get a random number from the defined area
* [[Core Function RandomVar|RandomVar( <seed>, <flag>, <flag> )]] -- Generator a random number
* [[Core Function RandomVar|RandomVar( <seed>, <flag>, <flag> )]] -- Generator a random number
* [[Core Function RandomSeed|RandomSeed( <flag>, <size> )]] -- Generator a cryptographically strong random number for use as a seed
* [[Core Function RandomSeed|RandomSeed( <flag>, <size> )]] -- Generator a cryptographically strong random number for use as a seed
* [[Core Function RandomSeedSet|RandomSeedSet( <seed> )]] -- Set the seed of Sputniks random number generator
* [[Core Function RandomSeedSet|RandomSeedSet( <seed> )]] -- Set the seed of Sputniks random number generator
* [[Core Function RevolutionsToDegrees|RevolutionsToDegrees( <value> )]] -- Converts revolutions to degrees.
* [[Core Function RevolutionsToRadians|RevolutionsToRadians( <value> )]] -- Converts revolutions to radians.
* [[Core Function RevolutionsToGradians|RevolutionsToGradians( <value> )]] -- Converts revolutions to gradians.
* [[Core Function Round|Round( <expression>, <decimalplaces> )]] -- Returns a number rounded to a specified number of decimal places
* [[Core Function Round|Round( <expression>, <decimalplaces> )]] -- Returns a number rounded to a specified number of decimal places
* [[Core Function RomToInt|RomToInt( <expression> )]] -- Returns the integer value of a roman numerical sequence
* [[Core Function RomToInt|RomToInt( <expression> )]] -- Returns the integer value of a roman numerical sequence

Revision as of 16:54, 10 August 2014


Function Reference

How to create a Function

To create your own funtions see the Function page.

Core Functions

If a link is red (unclickable) the function either doesnt exist yet and is pending creation or it has been created but does not yet have a page/example.

Language Features

Parser Engine

Console Functions

Multi-Threading Functions

Variable Type Conversions

Common Variable Functions

Type Checking
Get Type Directly

Binary Data Management Functions

Binary Memory Stream Management Functions

Math Functions

String Functions

CharPtr Functions

Note the Fixed statement is tied directly with CharPtr

Array Functions

Linq (Integrated Language Query) Functions

Enum Functions

Process Functions

Environment Management

File Functions

File Create/Read/Write Functions

Directory Functions


Path Functions

Network Functions

HTTP Functions
MySQL Functions
Sputnik Client/Server Functions (This is just for connecting Sputnik Clients to Sputnik Servers nothing else)
Raw Sockets (TCP/UDP etc)
Misc Network Functions

Memory Functions

Clipboard Functions

Registry Functions

Time & Date Functions

GUI Functions

Dialog Creation Functions
Control Creation Functions
Window/Control Properties Get/Set Functions

Note - Any options not here are most likely found using GUIGetProp and GUISetProp the bulk of all props can be found/used in them 2 funtions however anything special and not generic will go in the functions below.

Common Dialog/Control Properties Get/Set Functions
Common Dialog/Control Functions
GUI Link (Event) Functions
Other GUI Functions

Bitmap Functions

Keyboard Control Functions

Mouse Control Functions

Window Management Functions

(For info on using <title>, <text> See Window Titles and Text (Advanced) )


(For info on using <title>, <text> See Window Titles and Text (Advanced) )


Graphics/Pixel Functions

.NET Functions and Features

Control Flow Functions

  • Return <expressions> -- Immediately ends execution of the current function, and returns its argument as the value of the function call. return will also end the execution of an Eval() statement or script file
  • Throw( <expression> ) -- Throw an exception
  • Die( <expression> ) -- Gives an error and terminates the program
  • Break( <scopes> ) -- Ends execution of the current loop
  • Continue( <scopes> ) -- Continue the execution of a loop at its next iteration
  • Redo( ) -- Continue the execution of a loop at the start of the current iteration

Misc Functions

User Defined Functions

These functions are created using Sputnik and are not part of the Sputnik core language.

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